Friday, February 4, 2011

Climb to the top!

So its 5:30 Am, I just got to CF and got everyone going on their WOD. Its super cold out but Its Friday!

Snow shoes are AWESOME! We bought some a couple of weeks ago and I have gone a bunch of times since. Yesterday (Thursday) Nate and I went out to Tri-River. We went off trail and tried something a little more challenging. Off to the left side of the trail, for everyone who has hiked or biked there before know there is a very large and steep hill. I went to EMS and got about 35' of climbing rope. At $0.95 a foot you cant go wrong. So what we did is one of us shoed up about 40' with the poles (which was a challenge in itself) and and tied off high to a tree, threw the rope down to the other and then roped up for the climb. Then we would swap, the other would then shoe up with the poles tie off throw the rope down and off we go... A climb to the top.

It may sound funny but even though we were only about 20min from civilization it felt like we were on some mountain in freakin Alaska or something lol. We were the only ones out there braving the elements.

CrossFit isn't just about being in the gym and hitting the WOD's. try new things and new sports all the time. Don't get confused either, sports aren't just football, baseball,basketball and soccer. Get out of the box and try something different. Never limit yourself and never stop exploring.

Good Things!

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