Tuesday, February 8, 2011

From the Heart, more than a fitness program?

Once again... more than a fitness program?

CrossFit is a mentality, an attitude. It's something we have to learn, acquire, and earn. This doesn't happen over night, it's not a quick fix. CrossFit is a forged mental fortitude that can drive us to accomplish things never though possible. We take what we learn and apply it to real life. More than a fitness program.........?

Good things!


  1. Your words are so true. I was always very negative. I always looked for the worst to happen in every situation. I lost my confidence in my job performance, my personal life, and my relationships and especially in myself. But thankfully, I learned a new attitude thru Crossfit. Instead of walking away, I faced the challenges, run towards them, overcome them and look for the next challenge. I’ve surprised myself over and over again at what I am capable of accomplishing. With each accomplishment, I’ve regained my confidence – not just at the gym but at work. Not just after a WOD but mentally after acing a job interview. Not just after getting 10 extra reps in the last couple of seconds of a WOD but after winning a new client and closing a deal. I now show great aplomb in dealing with life, love, work, and kettle bells!!

  2. That was me, PapaG!!
