Monday, February 28, 2011

A loaded question?

  I always get the question, what is CrossFit? And after 3 years as a CrossFitter and coach I still do not have a straight answer. When I first started out I would answer with "Constantly varied functional movements done at high intensity". But what does that even mean? Try to explain that to your average "Globo Gym" goer. Of course it sounds good coming from Greg Glassman's mouth so it must be a good answer. The question that I hate the most...Is "it like P90X"?
Yeh its just like it............... NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!! The true question to that is what happens after day 90? Your magically going to stay fit for the rest of your life?, assuming you took those 90 days and used them to yor full potential? Very unlikely.

 For those of you who have been doing CrossFit for a while now know that the What is CF? is a loaded question and there are a million and one ways to answer it. And for those of you reading this and who are new to CF might think we have no idea what we are talking about. The truth is this is the beauty part about it, we are constantly learning and adapting to new things.

 You'll find out quickly that we aren't  just walking into a gym to sit on machine to work one plain of motion of flexion and extension or watch T.V. while we "workout". Which to this day still boggles my mind that if you do choose to do cool bicep curls why a gym would ever spend an uber amount of money on a seated bicep curl machine. Your elbow joint does two things, flexion and extension.  If you need a $3,000 machine to help you realize that..... Im going on a rant now. Back on subject. 

 I have learned that the answer to the question of what is CrossFit is that there is no answer. Its about always trying new things and challenging yourself. Learn from your experiences and build on them. As a coach I realize that I learn from coaching which in turn makes me a better CrossFitter.

I guess my point is is that CrossFit is a learning process and just like anything else good that comes in life we have to have patience and work hard for what you want to accomplish.

Good Things!

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